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Page History: New Item Menu

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Page Revision: 2016/03/02 09:38


The New Item Menu is used to open the following trading windows.

1ContractDisplays the market depth for a contract and allows simple and fast order submission.
2ChartDisplays charts for any contract
3Market ProfileDisplays the market profile for a contract. Market profile is used for volume distribution analysis.
4Quote BoardDisplays the current quotes for several contracts in a single window.
5Spread MatrixDisplays current quotes for exchange supported markets on one window
6Option Strategy BoardDisplays all available calls and/or puts for a particular contract month.
7Option BoardDisplays all the calls and puts side by side.
8Option SheetClick tradable and configurable theoretical option pricing sheets.
9 Option Strategies Save a strategy for future reference
10 Option Strategy SolverSolve for spreads theoretical values, greeks and OE’s.
11 Portfolio Analysis Multiple risk reports including slide risk, account inventory, theoretical trade P&L, Portfolio P&L Dynamic views Quick Hedge
12Order BookDisplays all the orders that have been entered into your accounts for the current trading session.
13NewsDisplays news stories and economic indicators
14Market HistoryDisplays a history of trades occurring in a market.
15Contract History Displays all the trades occurring in all calls/puts at all strikes for a given option contract month.
16Account BoardDisplays the details, positions and P&L for all the accounts that you are allowed to view.
17Firm BoardDisplays the details, positions and P&L for all the firms that you are allowed to view.
18Account Group SetupAllows users to trade for multiple accounts with different ratios with one click.
19Account ActivityShows detail history of order and fill information
20Account ContractCombines outrights and spreads into one position breakdown by month and product
21Account ReportsDisplay various details of the system including version and patent marks.
22Windows ManagementSave copies of windows for future use.
23 TradeSniper
24Release NotesOpens an instance of your internet browser and navigates to our latest T4 Release Notes available on the web. This

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